2022. 6. 13. 22:12
- Oracle
SELECT * FROM employees; SELECT * FROM HR.employees; -- 원칙대로 하는법 SELECT department_name FROM departments; -- 필요한 열만 출력 SELECT department_id,department_name FROM departments; -- 여러개 열 출력
- Postgres
SELECT * FROM employees; SELECT department_name FROM departments; -- 필요한 열만 출력 SELECT department_id,department_name FROM departments; -- 여러개 열 출력
02.스키마이름과 철자 기억안나는 경우
- Oracle
- Postgres
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace; select tablename from pg_tables; -- 전체 테이블 조회 SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = 'postgres' AND TABLE_NAME = 'departments' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION;
03.sqlDB와 앞으로 사용한 테이블 생성
- Oracle
CREATE USER sqlDB IDENTIFIED BY 1234 DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP; GRANT CONNECT, resource, dba TO sqlDB; CREATE TABLE userTBL -- 회원 테이블 ( userID CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- 사용자 아이디(PK) userName NVARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, -- 이름 birthYear NUMBER(4) NOT NULL, -- 출생년도 addr NCHAR(2) NOT NULL, -- 지역(경기, 서울, 경남 식으로 2글자만 입력) mobile1 CHAR(3),-- 휴대폰의 국번(010, 011, 016, 017, 018, 019 등) mobile2 CHAR(8),-- 휴대폰의 나머지 전화번호(하이픈 제외) height NUMBER(3), mDate DATE --회원가입일 ); CREATE TABLE buyTBL --회원 구매 테이블 ( idNum NUMBER(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, --순번(PK) userID CHAR(8) NOT NULL, --아이디(FK) prodName NCHAR(6) NOT NULL, --물품명 groupName NCHAR(4) , -- 분류 price NUMBER(8) NOT NULL, --단가 amount NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, --수량 FOREIGN KEY (userID) REFERENCES userTBL(userID) );
- Postsgres
create user sqlDB with password '1234'; create database sqlDB with owner sqlDB; create schema sqlDB authorization sqlDB; set search_path to "$user", sqlDB; CREATE TABLE userTBL -- 회원 테이블 ( userID CHAR(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, --사용자 아이디(PK) userName varchar(10) NOT NULL, --이름 birthYear numeric NOT NULL, --출생년도 addr NCHAR(2) NOT NULL, --지역(경기, 서울, 경남 식으로 2글자만 입력) mobile1 CHAR(3),-- 휴대폰의 국번(010, 011, 016, 017, 018, 019 등) mobile2 CHAR(8),-- 휴대폰의 나머지 전화번호(하이픈 제외) height numeric, mDate DATE --회원가입일 ); CREATE SEQUENCE seq_idNum START 1; CREATE TABLE buyTBL --회원 구매 테이블 ( idNum numeric NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('seq_idNum'), --순번(PK) userID CHAR(8) NOT NULL, --아이디(FK) prodName NCHAR(6) NOT NULL, --물품명 groupName NCHAR(4) , -- 분류 price numeric NOT NULL, --단가 amount numeric NOT NULL, --수량 FOREIGN KEY (userID) REFERENCES userTBL(userID) );
04.테이블 데이터 입력
- Oracle
-- userTBL INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('LSG','이승기',1987,'서울','011','11111111',182,'2008-08-08'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('KBS','김범수',1979,'경남','011','22222222',173,'2012-04-04'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('KKH','김경호',1971,'전남','019','33333333',177,'2007-07-07'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('JYP','조용필',1950,'경기','011','44444444',166,'2009-04-04'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('SSK','성시경',1979,'서울',NULL,NULL,186,'2013-12-12'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('LJB','임재범',1963,'서울','016','66666666',182,'2009-09-09'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('YJS','윤종신',1969,'경남',NULL,NULL,170,'2005-05-05'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('EJW','은지원',1972,'경북','011','88888888',174,'2014-03-03'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('JKW','조관우',1965,'경기','018','99999999',172,'2010-10-10'); INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('BBK','바비킴',1973,'서울','010','00000000',176,'2013-05-05'); -- buyTBL CREATE SEQUENCE idSEQ; INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'KBS','운동화',NULL,30,2); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'KBS','노트북','전자',1000,1); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'JYP','모니터','전자',200,1); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'BBK','모니터','전자',200,5); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'KBS','청바지','의류',50,3); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'BBK','메모리','전자',80,10); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'SSK','책','서적',15,5); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'EJW','책','서적',15,2); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'EJW','청바지','의류',50,1); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'BBK','운동화',NULL,30,2); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'EJW','책','서적',15,1); INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(idSEQ.NEXTVAL,'BBK','운동화',NULL,30,2);
- Postgres
-- userTBL INSERT INTO userTBL VALUES('LSG','이승기',1987,'서울','011','11111111',182,'2008-08-08') ,('KBS','김범수',1979,'경남','011','22222222',173,'2012-04-04') ,('KKH','김경호',1971,'전남','019','33333333',177,'2007-07-07') ,('JYP','조용필',1950,'경기','011','44444444',166,'2009-04-04') ,('SSK','성시경',1979,'서울',NULL,NULL,186,'2013-12-12') ,('LJB','임재범',1963,'서울','016','66666666',182,'2009-09-09') ,('YJS','윤종신',1969,'경남',NULL,NULL,170,'2005-05-05') ,('EJW','은지원',1972,'경북','011','88888888',174,'2014-03-03') ,('JKW','조관우',1965,'경기','018','99999999',172,'2010-10-10') ,('BBK','바비킴',1973,'서울','010','00000000',176,'2013-05-05'); -- buyTBL INSERT INTO buyTBL VALUES(nextval('seq_idNum'),'KBS','운동화',NULL,30,2) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'KBS','노트북','전자',1000,1) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'JYP','모니터','전자',200,1) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'BBK','모니터','전자',200,5) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'KBS','청바지','의류',50,3)s ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'BBK','메모리','전자',80,10) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'SSK','책','서적',15,5) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'EJW','책','서적',15,2) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'EJW','청바지','의류',50,1) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'BBK','운동화',NULL,30,2) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'EJW','책','서적',15,1) ,(nextval('seq_idNum'),'BBK','운동화',NULL,30,2);
- Oracle, Postgres
SELECT * FROM userTBL; SELECT * FROM userTBL WHERE userName = '김경호'; SELECT userID, userName FROM userTBL WHERE birthYear >= 1970 AND height >=182; SELECT userID, userName FROM userTBL WHERE birthYear >= 1970 OR height >=182; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height >= 180 AND height <=183; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height BETWEEN 180 AND 183; SELECT userName, addr FROM userTBL WHERE addr = '경남' OR addr='전남' OR addr='경북'; SELECT userName, addr FROM userTBL WHERE addr IN ('경남', '전남', '경북'); SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE userName LIKE '김%'; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE userName LIKE '_종신'; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height > 177; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height > (SELECT height FROM userTBL WHERE userNAME = '김경호'); SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height >= (SELECT height FROM userTBL WHERE addr = '경남'); -- 에러가남 SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height >= ANY(SELECT height FROM userTBL WHERE addr = '경남'); SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height = ANY(SELECT height FROM userTBL WHERE addr = '경남'); SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height IN (SELECT height FROM userTBL WHERE addr = '경남');
06.Order by
- Oracle, Postgres
SELECT userName, mDate FROM userTBL ORDER BY mDate; SELECT userName, mDate FROM userTBL ORDER BY mDate DESC; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL ORDER BY height DESC, userName ASC; SELECT addr FROM userTBL; SELECT addr FROM userTBL ORDER BY addr; SELECT DISTINCT addr FROM userTBL;
- Oracle
SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY hire_date ASC; SELECT * FROM (SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY hire_date ASC) WHERE ROWNUM <= 5; SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE ROWNUM <= 5; SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES SAMPLE(5);
- Postgres
SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY hire_date ASC; SELECT * FROM (SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY hire_date ASC) AS subTable LIMIT 5; SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES LIMIT 5; SELECT employee_id, hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES order by random() limit ; -- sample이랑은 비슷하지 않음
08.테이블 복사
- Oracle, Postgres
CREATE TABLE buyTBL2 AS (SELECT * FROM buyTBL); -- 전체테이블 복사 SELECT * FROM buyTBL2; CREATE TABLE buyTBL3 AS (SELECT userID, prodName FROM buyTBL); -- 부분 컬럼 테이블 SELECT * FROM buyTBL3;
09.GROUP BY 및 HAVING 그리고 집계함수
- Oracle
SELECT userID, SUM(amount) FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(amount) AS "총 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID, SUM(amount) FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(amount) AS "총 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID SELECT AVG(amount) AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL; SELECT CAST(Avg(amount)AS number(5,3)) AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL; SELECT userID, CAST(Avg(amount)AS number(5,3)) AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT USER, MAX(height), MIN(height) FROM userTBL GROUP BY userName; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height = (SELECT MAX(height) FROM userTBL) OR height = (SELECT MIN(height) FROM userTBL); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userTBL; SELECT COUNT(mobile1) AS "휴대폰이 있는 사용자" FROM userTBL; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL WHERE SUM(price*amount)>1000 GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID HAVING SUM(price*amount)>1000; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID HAVING SUM(price*amount)>1000 ORDER BY SUM(price * amount);
- Postgres
SELECT userID, SUM(amount) FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(amount) AS "총 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID, SUM(amount) FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(amount) AS "총 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자 아이디", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID SELECT AVG(amount) AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL; SELECT to_char(Avg(amount), '99999999.999') AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL; SELECT userID, to_char(Avg(amount),'99999999.999') AS "평균 구매 개수" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT USER, MAX(height), MIN(height) FROM userTBL GROUP BY userName; SELECT userName, height FROM userTBL WHERE height = (SELECT MAX(height) FROM userTBL) OR height = (SELECT MIN(height) FROM userTBL); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userTBL; SELECT COUNT(mobile1) AS "휴대폰이 있는 사용자" FROM userTBL; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL WHERE SUM(price*amount)>1000 GROUP BY userID; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID HAVING SUM(price*amount)>1000; SELECT userID AS "사용자", SUM(price*amount) AS "총 구매액" -- 안되는 경우 FROM buyTBL GROUP BY userID HAVING SUM(price*amount)>1000 ORDER BY SUM(price * amount);
- Oracle
SELECT idNum, groupName, SUM(price*amount) AS "비용" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY ROLLUP (groupName, idNum); SELECT groupName, SUM(price*amount) AS "비용" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY ROLLUP (groupName); SELECT groupName, SUM(price*amount) AS "비용" , GROUPING_ID(groupName) AS "추가행 여부" FROM BUYTBL GROUP BY ROLLUP(groupName); DROP TABLE cubeTBL; CREATE TABLE cubeTBL(prodName NCHAR(3), color NCHAR(2), amount INT); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('컴퓨터', '검정', 11); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('컴퓨터', '파랑', 22); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('모니터', '검정', 33); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('모니터', '파랑', 44); SELECT prodName, color, SUM(amount) AS "수량합계" FROM cubeTBL GROUP BY CUBE(color, prodName) ORDER BY prodName, color;
- Postgers | grouping_id는 없음
SELECT idNum, groupName, SUM(price*amount) AS "비용" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY ROLLUP (groupName, idNum); SELECT groupName, SUM(price*amount) AS "비용" FROM buyTBL GROUP BY ROLLUP (groupName); CREATE TABLE cubeTBL(prodName NCHAR(3), color NCHAR(2), amount INT); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('컴퓨터', '검정', 11); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('컴퓨터', '파랑', 22); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('모니터', '검정', 33); INSERT INTO cubeTBL VALUES('모니터', '파랑', 44); SELECT prodName, color, SUM(amount) AS "수량합계" FROM cubeTBL GROUP BY CUBE(color, prodName) ORDER BY prodName, color;